Who I am...

A mom who is trying to inspire creativity in her children, provide fun and nutritious meals that are out of the ordinary extraordinary, creating minimal waste and maximum taste in a little tiny space


just a little offshoot of my main blog to showcase our bento lunches and the bentos of others that I find especially remarkable or extremely tasty

Trying to catch up

I am a week behind, but I have photos ready for my next post too, just have to find a moment to sit down and actually type it out. Its been one of those weeks!

This week's bento consisted of leftovers from the freezer. Each one was a little bit different to accommodate everyone's personal likes and dislikes.

Weekly Bento, Nov 13 2008

In the Mr. Bento knockoff, Husband had leftover grilled teriyaki chicken, leftover fried rice, chopped tomatoes, carrots, and cheese, and ranch dressing in the top portion.

Weekly Bento, Nov 13 2008

I used my little H.O.T. bento because it makes me giggle. It had the rest of the grilled teriyaki, fried rice, pineapple chunks and cottage cheese in the top. It was just enough food with the little side container of rice cakes. Yum.

Weekly Bento, Nov 13 2008

Youngest had fried rice and turkey meatballs with a little container of ketchup for dipping. Top tier is grated mozarella, chopped carrots and tomatoes, and peach yogurt with a few diced pineapple on top.

Weekly Bento, Nov 13 2008

Middle one had the same on the bottom, the meatballs are still frozen and the rice is cold. They like it cold at school usually. Her top tier is more shredded mozarella, a carrot, a rice ball, and cottage cheese.

Weekly Bento, Nov 13 2008

My oldest had more of the same on the bottom, yogurt, carrots, cheese and a rice ball on top. My girls all LOVE riceballs, but the like it better when I remember to pack a little teriyaki sauce bottle to pour over the rice ball. I make them when I only have a small amount of leftover rice. My friend from Korea showed me how to make them when the girls were little. I drop a scoop of rice into a square of plastic wrap covering my hand, gather up the ends of the wrap and squish the rice into a firm ball. We usually dip them into whatever sauce is handy. Next time I am going to try to make some filled rice balls with chicken inside. I take all the rice balls and pop them into a container in the fridge and the girls will grab a couple for snack or as a side for lunch. Easy, healthy, and more fun than just plain rice, I guess :)

Weekly Bento, Nov 13 2008

Overall, it was a well received lunch, and pretty quick to throw together. The girls had cranberry juice to drink in their little spill proof bottles, and caramel mini rice cakes for snack. I feel like I get into a bit of a rut when packing their lunches, and I am trying to be creative. I only do this once or twice a week, I can't imagine how hard it is to be creative when packing lunches every single day! I really admire those of you who do!


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